Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Being an adult means being unhappy... "

Merge work and play

"...and other false beliefs"

By: Andye Murphy

My parents want only the best for me.  Their idea of "best" was succeeding in school to get a job that pays you well so one day you can retire and do the things that make you happy.

I, the muse-y kid that I am, categorically rejected this notion in favor of finding something that makes me happy and fulfills me emotionally, financially and spiritually.

I walked away from my job in corporate America to fully delve into my spiritual inclinations.  I had no idea where it would take me but knew I wanted to find out more than anything in this world.  My aunt's response to leaving corporate America?  "Do whatever you want, just make a lot of money doing it." 

Sometimes the simple act of pursuing what will make you happy instead of what is “safe,” “secure,” and “responsible” scares the pants off of people. 

Many of us have an ingrained belief that we must suffer for security. When you travel, you are asked if you are here for “business” or “pleasure” - why can’t it be both?

I work because I love what I do and firmly believe you can find work that brings you joy and pays the bills!  You don't have to separate the two.  

Financial success and personal fulfillment can co-habitate quite nicely. 

We don't endorse bucking the system, but instead an honest assessment of re-evaluating what feels true for you as an individual. 

Can you marry happiness and responsibility? Money and passion? 

We were at an event last week where a woman proclaimed, "I make money my lover!!"

Play with this and other silly notions to find what it is that will bring you the money you need and the true fulfillment you crave.  We are complex beings after all, let's embrace the paradox. 

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