The Case of the Dreaded "Shoulds"
By: Rachel Jensen
When you think about what you want to accomplish today, this week, this month - what falls under the "I really should...." column?
They might sound like:
- I really should clean out my junk drawer
- I really should take a look at my web analytics and evaluate my traffic sources
- I really should follow up with those contacts I met at the event
Think about each of the items on your list and then take a moment to feel the feelings associated with each one.
Did you do it?
Okay, I'll give you a minute.
Now, as my colleague Andye always says, "feelings are power." If you feel reluctant to accomplish any of these tasks, take a moment to sit with the feelings and figure out why you may feel stuck from moving forward.
Maybe you feel like you should clean out your junk drawer because your life feels cluttered and needs some organization. Will cleaning out your junk drawer help you feel better? Then do it! If you sit with it some more and realize that your entire life feels too cluttered, and your junk drawer is just a symptom - then this is a bigger feeling that needs to be addressed.
If you feel like you should look at your web analytics report but the task seems too daunting, then maybe figure out a way to automate the reports so the info you need is delivered to your inbox once a month, or hire someone to keep track of and analyze the information for you. If you are afraid to look at your analytics because you know your traffic is stagnant and don't know where to turn - again this is representative of a larger part of your business that deserves some attention of its own.
Don't want to follow up with those contacts at the event? Maybe you feel you should follow up with them out of politeness, obligation or to "get something out of" that networking event you just paid to attend. Maybe you don't want to go through the process of writing out personalized notes or emails because you already have so much on your plate. In that case, let yourself off the hook! Look them up on LinkedIn send a short message and add them to your connections and leave it at that. Sometimes a feeling of obligation is just that - a feeling that if we don't follow through with something 100% then we aren't doing a good job. Sometimes we simply need to just go easy on ourselves.
To Recap
When we come upon daily tasks that feel unpleasant or we put off doing them - notice the feelings that arise. They could spell out a few different things.
1. Procrastination on one small task might be a metaphor for another area of your life that needs attention
2. Feelings of reluctance or unpleasantness might indicate that you are unwilling to address a larger issue. This issue may easily be delegated or eliminated, or may need further introspection
3. Sometimes we add things to our lists because we feel it's what "should" be done, when in fact we are making the task more complicated than it needs to be. Can the task be eliminated altogether? Is there a more efficient or easier way to take care of it right away?
As females, we often feel pressure to do and be it all. If we can't do it perfectly, we'll wait for a time when we can do it the way it should be done. Look at these moments as an opportunity to check in with yourself to see what you may be ignoring, overlooking or giving yourself a hard time about.
By exploring these points of friction we have a gorgeous opportunity to gently move through these feelings, identify them and then let them go. If we keep ignoring them, they will only fester.
What areas of your business fall under your "should" list and how can you work to move through them?